Hi there !


Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 21, 17, 11 Developer.

about me

I craft solutions using a keyboard, caffeine ☕️
and a whole lot of passion
Ismaïl's picture

Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 21, 17, 11 Developer.

  • First NameIsmaïl
  • Last NameBENHALLAM
  • Experience3 years
  • AddressMorocco, Meknes
  • FreelanceAvailable
  • LanguagesArabic, English
  • Emailcontact@ismailbenhallam.com


Since July 2022Software EngineerImedia24

Technologies: Kotlin, Spring Boot, ReactJs, Python, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS)...

October 2021 - July 2022Software EngineerNimbleways

Participation in the development of web applications on behalf of global clients
Technologies: Spring Boot, ReactJs, Python, Docker...

September 2021 - October 2021Java EE | Hybris EngineerSQLI

Ensure the TMA of a SAP Hybris B2C E-commerce platform.
Technologies: Spring Boot, SAP Hybris

Mars 2021 - August 2021Master's Degree Graduation InternshipSQLI

Contribution to the establishment of a set of Web Services, consumed by a group of websites, on behalf of a client.
Technologies: Spring (boot, IoC, Security, Data), Docker, MySQL, Swagger.

June 2019 - July 2019Executive Engineer in Information TechnologyCGI IT and Business consulting services

Taking part in the Third Party Application Maintenance (TPAM) for the account of a leader in the field of telecommunications.
Technologies : Spring (Boot, IoC, Data), ZK, MySQL.

Avril 2019 - May 2019Bachelor's Degree Graduation InternshipCGI IT and Business consulting services

Taking part in the Third Party Application Maintenance (TPAM) for the account of a leader in the field of telecommunications.
Technologies : Spring (Boot, IoC, Data), ZK, MySQL.


Master's Degree in Software Quality
Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mahraz

Master's Excellence Award (MQL) 2021
Issued by Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mahraz

Bachelor's Degree in Development of Information and Communication Systems
Higher School of Technology (EST)
University Diploma of Technology - Software engineering
Higher School of Technology (EST)
Baccalaureate - Physical and Chemical Sciences
Omar Ibn El Khattab

Awards and Certification

get in touch

I’m always open to discussing application development or partnerships.

If you have any suggestion, project or even you want to say Hello.. please fill out the form below and I will reply you shortly.

Published posts

Kotlin with Spring Boot setup picture

Kotlin with Spring Boot setup

As we known, Kotlin has a compiler for the JVM platform, which means all the codes written in Kotlin can run on the JVM. Therefore, even though Spring itself is written entirely in Java, Spring applications could be written in Java or/and in Kotlin. However, Java and Kotlin are different languages, that means a Spring application written in Kotlin requires an extra configuration...

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Restore lost commits - git reflog picture

Restore lost commits - git reflog

Let’s imagine you were working on your project, and you typed
my-project git:(master) git reset --hard HEAD~N
Then you tapped Enter ↩️ by mistake, maybe..
Basically this means, that you lost the last N commits, and right now you have a clean working tree.
Don’t be afraid, there is a solution for this situation...

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